Goan Fest

Why cashews, nutrient-packed superfood, are a must-have for optimal health?

We all know that cashews are one of the most consumed products across the globe. They are liked by people of all age groups. These are powerhouse of nutrients that offer a bunch of health benefits. Cashews can be consumed in a variety of ways- can be eaten directly, can be added in salad, can be diffused with your favorite fruit shake or smoothie. Cashews are not just delicious but they are known to offer a range of nutrients.

Unravelling the mystery of cashew’s nutritional value 

With cashews becoming a global phenomenon, we must first dive deeper into its nutritional value. From healthy fats, protein, fiber, vitamins to minerals, cashews offer all these essential nutrients.

Although small in size, cashews are good for improving your heart’s health. It is worth noting that its fats are known to deescalate bad cholesterol levels (LDL) along with escalating good cholesterol (HDL). 

Known by many names throughout human history, it has become a vital component of consumable food – delivering plant-based proteins. From polishing the digestive system’s health to carving muscle growth, cashews also cement bone strength. Regulating blood pressure becomes easy by incorporating these into your everyday diet.  

Cashews play an important role in improving immune function as well. These are packed with zinc. As zinc is known for boosting immunity cells’ count. Wound healing along with shielding against infections. Zinc deficiency can destabilize the immune functions and make a person’s body a breeding ground for illnesses. 

Weight gain or weight moderation: Being mindful

Even with higher calorie count, cashews can guide in proper weight management. The catch is – eating moderately. When consumed properly, fats, proteins and fiber can be easily balanced out. It will further help in reducing the risk of obesity. It is worth remembering that cashews offer proper blood sugar levels and stabilize energy levels.

Mood regulation, memory enhancement and cognitive functionality, all of these can be improved, as cashews help in production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. Many doctors suggest the introduction of cashews in a kid’s diet ASAP, as it helps in improving learning (memory boosters). 

 One cashew, multiple forms

Cashews can be consumed in a number of ways. Its versatile nature has made it a top choice for consumption. It can be roasted, consumed with salads, mixed in smoothies or even cashew cheese. Many doctors have suggested that if a person wants to reduce their meat or dairy intake, they can drift towards cashews (an excellent plant-based alternative).

So, feeling hungry now? You can definitely choose this nutrient-dense food that balances overall well-being. You can most definitely check out our range of products. We emphasize on delivering only the best quality products for our beloved consumers. Our organically sourced products have garnered a loyal fan following and we want you to taste our amazing roasted and seasoned cashews

We offer cashew-based products in various forms such as roasted cashews, caramel cashews, cashew butter and our newly added nimbu pudina cashew pouch. We are open to suggestions from our existing users and we have incorporated many recipes that are shared across our social media handles as well. 

Our story

Goan Fest started with a philosophy of serving the best quality products. Goan Fest diffuses the ideologies of all three founders. Coming from diverse backgrounds, one thing was common among all of us  – to achieve a healthy future. We aim to deliver organically sourced and personally curated products packed with love for our consumers. 

Our success story is the result of our loyal customers’ word of mouth publicity. Want to grab our delicious products, we are just a touch away from you. Connect with us and get the best deals for yourself.  

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