Goan Fest

Bimbli / Starfruit

Bimbli (also known as Bilimbi or Starfruit) is a popular fruit in Goan Cuisine. The oblong-shaped fruit have five discernible ribs. A cross section of the fruit reveals a five-point star within (hence Starfruit).

Scientifically termed Averrhoa bilimbi, it is used for infusing flavour to soups, dals and curries. The fruit is yellow-green with a thin, soft skin and crunchy, juicy flesh. It has a refreshing aroma and a zesty, tangy or sour taste.


In addition to the taste bimbli fruit confers umpteen benefits for human health such as managing diabetes, treating hypertension, remedying haemorrhoids, strengthening bones and soothing cough and cold. Apart from the fruits, the seeds and flowers of the bilimbi tree also possess significant therapeutic values and are used in the preparation of many different herbal remedies.

Health Benefits

  • Regulation of Blood Sugar Levels

    The rich content of flavonoids and dietary fibres in bimbli fruit work to prevent sudden spikes in levels of blood glucose post meals, thereby aiding in keeping diabetes symptoms in check.

  • Help Manage Hypertension

    A decoction of Bimbli in hot water acts as a vaso-dilator and helps reduce blood pressure.

  • Help treat Haemorrhoids

    Bimbli contains many anti inflammatory compounds like terpenes and tannins which help lessen swelling in the anus and rectum, a condition known as haemorrhoids.

    Applying the fruit and leaf extract onto the affected region immensely reduces pain, inflammation and bleeding, rectifying haemorrhoids.

  • Combat Cough and Cold

    The vast reserves of vitamin C in bilimbi confers splendid benefits for the functioning of the immune system. This, in turn, treats coughs and colds due to seasonal changes and allergies, bolstering the body’s defence mechanisms.

  • Fortifies Bone Health

    Bimbli is is loaded with generous amounts of calcium, which enhances bone density and maintains the structural integrity of the skeleton in the body.

  • Resolves Acne

    is laden with vitamin C, oxalic acid and vitamin A, which confer excellent antioxidant traits for shielding dermal tissues from free radical damage and work wonders in enhancing skin health.

    Applying a paste of mashed bilimbi pulp along with honey on the face once a week visibly diminishes dark spots, scars, blemishes, lessens swelling, redness in acne, pimples, for soft, clear and glowing skin.

  • Eases Muscle Cramps

    Bimbli contains phytonutrients that possess powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, making it an amazing natural remedy for reducing muscle pain and soothing cramps in the connective tissues.

    Massaging the arms, legs, body with a herbal paste of crushed bilimbi leaves provides instant relief from muscle strain, while drinking bilimbi juice heals pain, discomfort and stiffness in muscles and joints

In short, this fruit showers many benefits on its consumers.

GoanFest is proud to provide you healthy juices and relishes made from Bimbli which are extremely tasty as well. We welcome you to try and enjoy these products


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